Qi Razali
"Never trust travel tips. Go with word of mouth so be cool about speaking to the local and don't be a tourist." ...
Qi knew he wanted to see the world after his dad brought him to Stonehenge at the age of 7 years.
It was then that he knew the world had so much to offer and that we must all travel and gain knowledge.
So it made sense when he grew up to become Malaysia's Travel Host, taking audiences around the world and
sharing his experiences. Qi has done many shows but mostly focuses on travel shows as it resonates with his passion.
Qi has covered Malaysia, South East Asia and is now taking on Asia Pacific and Europe. His dream is to bring
audiences into the safari, something that has never been done before on Malaysian television.
Qi's Journey
Places to check out:
- Klang Heritage Walk (Klang)
- Carey Island (Pulau Carey)
- Muzium Orang Asli (Melaka)
Places to eat:
- Pulau Ketam Ikan Bakar - Ikan bakar
- Rojak SS15 - Rojak with squid
- Jongker Street - Chicken rice ball

Qi's Essential Escape Kit

- GoPro Hero 3+
- Headphones & Radio
- Timberland Heritage 2 Eye Boat Shoe
- Notebook & Pen
- Timberland Passport holder
- Timberland backpack
- Timberland Coolmax® Mount Walsh Jacket
- Power bank

SS Lane River Check Poplin Blue Print /8306J View Detail

Timberland Heritage 2 Eye Boat Shoe View Detail

Canobie Lake Short Travertine /8426J View Detail

J0955_901 View Detail

Qi's style

SS Lane River Check Poplin
Blue Print /8306J
Canobie Lake Short Travertine /8426J
Earthkeepers® Heritage 2-Eye Boat
Tan, Navy And Bright Blue Bfb/ 6936A
Blue Print /8306J
Canobie Lake Short Travertine /8426J
Earthkeepers® Heritage 2-Eye Boat
Tan, Navy And Bright Blue Bfb/ 6936A

Qi's Road Trip Playlist
- Lisztomania-Phoenix
- What If-Coldplay
- Stars-Coldplay
- Yellow-Coldplay
- The Scientist-Coldplay
- Instant Crush-Daft Punk feat. Julian Casablancas
- Get Lucky-Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams
- Thinking Out Loud-Ed Sheeran
- Sing-Ed Sheeran