Kevin has been photographing nature since 2003, capturing stunning landscapes and rare wildlife with (usually) nothing more than the camera on his phone. His dedication to documenting places most of us will never visit has earned him a loyal following across the Internet. You can see his work on sites like Instagram, and Twitter.
What’s it like living out of your car on the road?
Living out of my car, I mainly did it so I could see more places for a lot cheaper than staying in hotels. I would drive to a place, and then I realized I was only like another hour from another place I wanted to go, so I just kept going.
I realized how little I needed to be happy, and just to live. Having everything I need in my car, as long as I could eat and I had stuff to wear, I don't need a whole lot else.
Can you talk about your trip to Alaska, and not seeing another soul for an entire week?
I took this float plane to the Brooks Range in Alaska. I got dropped off at this lake. We had planned for the pilot to come back about seven days later, so I was just on my own. There are no trails out there, so I just hiked around and did not see anyone the whole time, until he came back.
I'd never done anything like that. Most people have said it wasn't the smartest thing, not having a satellite phone or any way to contact people in case something happened, but I don't know. Those types of situations are what make things exciting for me.
Our trip is coming up soon. Do you have any particular goals when you’re traveling?
I always have at least one place that I want to go, but it's never the place that ends up being the best thing about the trip because it's so hard to plan. You don't necessarily plan for challenges, but when you are in new, challenging situations, for me at least, those are the most memorable or that's when I might grow as a person and feel more inspired about life and grateful for my life when I'm not in those places.